
  1. Navigate to the Investec website and login to your Online Banking profile.
  2. Under Menu, Select Make a Payment.
  3. You will now be on the Beneficiary screen.
  4. Click "Add approved beneficiary".
  5. In the 'Approved categories' field, select 'Rental Agencies'.
  6. In the 'Approved beneficiaries' field, select 'reOS'.
  7. Under 'Their reference', enter your unique reOS reference number from your lease activation email or rental invoice. If you pay without the correct reference, your payment might not reflect in time and could land you in trouble with your rental agreement.
  8. Under Notify Recipient, enter the email address of your rental agency.
  9. Once the relevant fields are completed, click Submit on the bottom right hand-side.
  10. You will now be able to make rental payments to your rental agency or landlord (via reOS) as an approved beneficiary on your profile.